The story of Merlin

21/12/2021 — Performance
The Ensemble Emrys presents its new program Cantus Merlini based on the story of Merlin.
The story is set in medieval music and presented on stage for the first time.
This production has been possible thanks to the “résidence de creation” offered by the Centre International de Musiques Médiévales de Montpellier and the Abbey of Fontfroide.
Ensemble Emrys is composed by:
Isabella Shaw – voice, harp
Susanne Ansorg – vielle
Cristina Alís Raurich – portative organ
You can listen the première of this show on the story of Merlin on the 20th of May at Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert (France).
In the iconography: young Merlin with his mother in front of King Vortigern.