
05/12/2023 — Education Performance
Cristina Alís Raurich


3rd January 2024

Concert – “Ordo virtutum” Sant Benet, España.

20th-21st January 2024

Workshop – Codex Rossi. Talleres Mirabilia. Together with Erwan Picquet (singing). Iglesia De San Pedro, Cuenca, España.

28th January 2024

Concert – “¿Puede el canto dominar el llanto? Li lais de le rose” duo con Maria Giménez (viella). Sala Capitular de la Catedral de Cuenca, España.

28th-29th January 2024

Workshop – Improvisación modal y acompañamiento de la monodia medieval. Together with Maria Giménez (singing). Talleres Mirabilia. Catedral de Cuenca, Cuenca, España.

10th February 2024

Recording – Ensemble Merveill. Catedral de Cuenca, España.

9th-10th March 2024

Workshop – Cancionero de la Colombina. Together with Víctor Sordo (singing). Talleres Mirabilia. Catedral de Cuenca, Cuenca, España.

15th March 2024

Concert – Easter concert. With Sandra Rohrer (voice), and Renald Müller (cornet). Zuzgen, Switzerland.

24th-25th March 2024

Workshop – Organetto workshop. CIMM Montpellier. Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert.

4th-5th April 2024

Symposium – Meeting of the REPERTORIUM project. Milano, Italy.

13th April 2024

Concert & Workshop – “Organetto fascination” for the American Guild of Organists. Philadelphia, USA.

8th June 2024

Concert – “El llibre de Marguerite” with Ipsum Femina. Palau de Santa Eulàlia, Catalonia.

19th June 2024

Concert – “Le manuscrit du roi” duo with Brice Duisit. Basel, Switzerland.

21st June 2024

Concert – “Le manuscrit du roi” duo with Brice Duisit. Montalbâne, Germany.

24th-28th June 2024

Residency – “Ciconia project” with Niels Berentsen. Ambronay, France.

28th June 2024

Concert – “Ciconia project” with Niels Berentsen. Geneva, Switzerland.

30th June 2024

Concert – “Orgue paysage” with Alexis Paul. Lausanne, Switzerland.

6th July 2024

Concert – “El llibre de Marguerite” with Ipsum Femina. El Catllar, Catalonia.

20th July 2024

Concert – “Organetto fascination” Colegiata de Covarrubias, Spain.

7th August 2024

Concert – “El llibre de Marguerite” with Ipsum Femina. Daroca.

10th-17th August 2024

Festival – Mirabilia. Concerts and Course. Catedral de Cuenca, Spain.

30th August 2024

Concert – “Ciconia project” with Niels Berentsen. Antwerp, Belgium.

7th September 2024

Concert – “El llibre de Marguerite” with Ipsum Femina. Terra de Trobadors, Castelló d’Empúries.

5th October 2024

Concert – “Mulier hodie: música en los monasterios cistercienses femeninos”. Tulebras Monastery, Spain.

1st November 2024

Concert – “Música para Todos los Santos en las cortes góticas españolas” with ensemble Merveill. Catedral de Cuenca, Spain.

6th-9th November 2024

Pedagogic Concert Tour – “The organetto”. Gran Canaria, Spain.


16th January 2024

Concert – “Ciconia project” with Diskantores, dir. Niels Berentsen. Orgelpark, Netherlands.


21st-22nd January 2023

Course – “Medieval dances” Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert, France. (postponed)

2nd to 5th February 2023

Course – “Le son des manuscrits médiévaux: chanter et lire des manuscrits” Fontfroide, France. (postponed)

25- 26th February 2023

Course – “Polifonía italiana del trecento” Catedral de Cuenca, Cuenca, España.

24th March 2023

Concert – “Les Sphères du Paradis” with La Camera delle Lacrime, Dordogne, France.

23- 24th April 2023

Course – “Polifonía de Guillaume de Machaut” Catedral de Cuenca, Cuenca, España.

30th April- 2nd May 2023

Residence – “Machaut” with ensemble La Camera delle Lacrime. France.

15th May 2023

Concert – “Veterum” in Auditorio Manuel de Falla, Granada, Spain.

20th May 2023

Concert – “Cantigas” with Compagnie Orion, Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert, France.

3rd June 2023

Concert – Opera by Sarah Angliss. London, UK.

1st July 2023

Concert – “Dante troubadour” with La Camera delle Lacrime, Saint-Antoine l’Abbaye, Isère, France.

9th July 2023

Concert – “Fascinación organetto” Festival de Música Antigua de Gijón.

15th July 2023

Concert – “Veterum” in Alcázar, Sevilla, Spain.

12th- 20th August 2023

Festival/Course – “Mirabilia. Semana Medieval” Catedral de Cuenca, Cuenca, España.

13th August 2023

Concert – “El Libro de Marguerite” avec Bubulina Teatre, Catedral de Cuenca España.

3rd September 2023

Concert – “Música en la Capilla musical del Rey Carlos III de Navarra” en el 600 Aniversario del Privilegio de la Unión, con ensemble Merveill, Catedral de Pamplona España.

5th September- 9th September 2023

Residence – “Machaut” with ensemble La Camera delle Lacrime. Sélestat, France.

16th September 2023

Concert – “Fascinazione organetto”, Lago di Como, Italy.

25th September 2023

Concert – “Music of the angels” duo with Martin Erhardt, Wittemberg, Germany.

18rd October 2023

Concert – “La música de las esferas” solo concert for Tecniacústica Cuenca 2023, Catedral de Cuenca, Spain.

21st October 2023

Concert – “El Libro de Marguerite” with Bubulina Teatre, Montpellier, France.

4th November 2023

Concert – “El Libro de Marguerite” with Bubulina Teatre, Valldigna, España.

11th-12th November 2023

Course – “Afinación pitagórica” Mirabilia, Catedral de Cuenca (España).

18th-19th November 2023

Course – “Improvisando órganum a partir del Tratado de Órganum del Vaticano” Mirabilia, Catedral de Cuenca (España).

25th November 2023

Talk – “Fantasy, artístico Spirit, and the medieval music boom”, Festival. St. Cecilia, Vilnius (Lithuania).

9th December 2023

Concert – “Fascinació organetto”, solo program, La Seu d’Urgell, España.

12th December 2023

Concert – “Motets du Manuscrit du Roi” duo with Brice Duisit (voice) in Poitiers (France).


14th January 2022

Concert – Brice Duisit (voix, vielle) and Cristina Alís Raurich. Le Manuscrit du Roi. La Maison des Choeurs, Montpellier.

15-16th January 2022

Course – Portative organ course at the CIMM Montpellier, France. Second of 4 sessions.

5-6th February 2022

Course – Medieval modality and improvisation at the CIMM Montpellier, France.

11th-13th February 2022

Course – “Cantigas de Santa Maria” at the CIMM Montpellier, France. Stage at Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert

5-6th March 2022

Course – Portative organ course at the CIMM Montpellier, France. Fourth of 4 sessions.

24th March 2022

Concert – “Fascination organetto” at Maison des Choeurs, Montpellier, France.

25th March 2022

CD presentation – Marc Vilajuana’s “Equinocci” at Can Clariana, Barcelona, 19h.

11th April 2022

Talk – “The medieval portative Organ”, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

12th April 2022

Concert – “Tesoros sonoros del medioevo” with Vetera, Sta. Clara church, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

16th April 2022

Performance – “Vigilia” at the Festival Lux in Tenebris at Monasterio de Uclés, Spain.

17th April 2022

Performance – Visita Nocturna a la Catedral de Cuenca, Spain.

12th May 2022

Lecture – “Los repertorios de tablatura para tecla de los siglos XIV y XV”, Musikene, San Sebastián, Spain.

13th May 2022

Concert – “Organa quae inflantur follibus”, Ataun, Spain.

16-19th May 2022

Residence – Merlin Project with Emrys ensemble, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, France.

20th May 2022

Concert – Merlin Project with Emrys ensemble, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, France.

5th June 2022

Concert – “El Llibre de Marguerite Porete: feminisme i misticisme al s. XIV”. Tiana Antica.

19th July 2022

Concert – “El Llibre de Marguerite Porete: feminisme i misticisme al s. XIV”. Girona.

21st July 2022

Concert – “El Llibre de Marguerite Porete: feminisme i misticisme al s. XIV”. Monestir de Pedralbes, Barcelona.

7th-10th Augut 2022

Course – “Cantigas de Santa María y canto llano”, curso de música medieval de la Catedral de Cuenca.

10th-13th Augut 2022

Course – “Polifonía medieval, tablaturas y alternatim”, curso de música medieval de la Catedral de Cuenca.

12th Augut 2022

Concert – “Canciones para recordar”, with Bruno Bonhoure (Voice), Catedral de Cuenca.

13th Augut 2022

Concert – “Mui gran maravilla: música para el nacimiento de un templo”. Alumnos del curso de música medieval de la Catedral de Cuenca.

9th September 2022

Concert – “Tollite portas” with Ars Choralis Coeln, Cologne, Germany.

15th September 2022

Concert – “Dialogue avec les astres” with Veronique Nosbaum, Stephane Ghislain, Hélène Gugenheim, Galerie Nosbaum-Reding, Luxembourg.

17th September 2022

Concert – “Fascinación organetto” Puente la Reina, España.

19th September 2022

Workshop – “Música de las esferas”, Planetario de Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, España. 12:00h

20th September 2022

Workshop – “Música de las esferas”, Planetario de Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, España. 10:00h

1st October 2022

Concert – “Fragantes aires: de notas y aromas”, con ensemble Veterum Musicae, Festival Internacional de Piano, Córdoba, España.

7th-9th October 2022

Course – “The Anaya organ” Catedral de Cuenca, España.

21st October 2022

Concert – “El Llibre de Marguerite Porete: feminisme i misticisme al s. XIV”. Catedral, Tarragona.

29th October 2022

Concert – “Cantigas de Santa María”. Compagnie Orion. Avignon.

5th-6th November 2022

Course – “Organum en Notre Dame de París”. Catedral de Cuenca.

18th November 2022

Concert – “El Llibre de Marguerite Porete: feminisme i misticisme al s. XIV”. Basilica de Sta. Maria, Mataró.

4th December 2022

Concert – “Fascinación organetto” La Seu d’Urgell, España. (postponed)