Vetera is moving forward

27/07/2022 — Performance
Vetera Maria De Mingo Cristina Alís Raurich

Vetera are Maria De Mingo (citole) and Cristina Alís Raurich (portative organ).

During the year 2021 we made two videoclips: this was the first and this was the second. And during 2022 we are working on new projects which will come out soon.

As a duo we have been performing in Spain during 2022 and working on new programs.

Also we have been performing the play about the medieval mystic Marguerite Porete together with the actress Gisela Figuera all around Catalonia (Spain). The libretto was written by the dramaturgist Jordi Lara. Soon this play will be available in Spanish too.

Recently we had a beautiful photo session with the wonderful photographer Anna Romeu. Stay tuned for more news as we keep moving forward!