Liturgical Drama Course

3rd International Course on Late Medieval & Renaissance Music in San Marino
The course in San Marino gets to its 3rd edition with an exciting topic: Liturgical Drama in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance.
Liturgical Drama in Italy
In the Middle Ages a tradition developed whereby certain biblical scenes were staged with text and music during religious festivities. Sometimes the staging included the use of costumes, objects, physical movement and the playing of musical instruments… These representations are known as liturgical dramas or liturgical plays and represent a form of musical-theatre that continued through the centuries until the Renaissance. Indeed in some regions this remains a living tradition to this day.
In this course we will perform Liturgical Dramas conserved in Padova which were written in the late 14th and 15th centuries. In addition we will perform processions, sequences, and laude related to the themes of the Liturgical Dramas (Annunciation, Resurrection…).

Courses Offered
August 22nd to 23rd
Introduction to Liturgical Drama
Open to everyone.
In this course we will learn the context of the Liturgical Drama and its development through the centuries. We will sing through some of the principal Liturgical Dramas in order to build an overview. Knowledge of medieval music not required.
August 24th to 30th
Performing Liturgical Drama
Open to performers.
Week dedicated exclusively to the performance of Liturgical Dramas from Padova manuscripts and related works. In order to achieve a solid preparation, students will receive individual and group lessons. At the end of the course there will be a public performance.
Maria Jonas – voice
Susanne Ansorg – medieval fiddle / vielle
Cristina Alís Raurich – portative organ, course coordinator
Introduction to Liturgical Drama: 60 €
Performing Liturgical Drama: 385 €
(second instrument: +175 €)
There will be scholarships for the participants at the Performing Liturgical Drama course.
Contact us for further information ( or via facebook chat).
More information about the Liturgical Drama Course and the International Course on Late Medieval and Renaissance Music in San Marino:
The website of the course will be open soon!
About past editions:
San Marino 2019: Dufay & The Malatesta