Francesco Landini visits the radio

19/04/2020 — Education Research
Landini vs Machaut, a medieval duel portative organ course Cristina Alís Raurich

I am starting a new collaboration with Catalunya Música – the Catalan radio for classical music. I will be appearing every now and then to the program “El taller del Lutier”. It is conducted by Pere Andreu Jariod.

The program focuses on instrument in history and their uses. My participation consists in discussing medieval music and organs mostly.

In the last episode we broadcasted a section on Francesco Landini, also called Francesco degli organi. We discuss the relationship of Landini with the organetto, and a few highlights about his life and works.

Listen to it here (Catalan only) from minute 33:10. Enjoy!

For further information about Landini and his relationship with medieval organs visit the website Medieval Organ!


Earlier on the program I presented my website Medieval Organ. You can listen the episode here. In it I talk about the contents of the website and why this website was necessary.